The Curse of Bridge Hollow,” a lighthearted horror comedy from the director Jeff Wadlow, boasts an attractive premise: The plucky teenager Sydney (Priah Ferguson), futzing round with a Ouija board, unwittingly units free a demonic spirit, which brings to nefarious existence every Halloween decoration in town.
The Curse of Bridge Hollow Hindi English Telugu Tamil Movie Download 720p
Size: 1GB
Language: Hindi + English + Telugu + Tamil
Quality : BluRay / 720p
Release date: 14 October 2022 (USA)
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Set decoration: Nik Morgan
Her father, Howard (Marlon Wayans), is a high faculty technology teacher and difficult-nosed skeptic; when the awoke skeletons, zombies and clowns terrorize the metropolis, the rational father and credulous toddler ought to crew up and meet every different’s views midway. And in what seems like the proper conceptual addendum, the city is widely famend for its Halloween adorning. “Everyone choices a subject, and then you pass huge time on that theme,” explains a zealous neighbor (Rob Riggle), whose backyard is decked out with zombies in tribute to “The Walking Dead.”
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